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Craft Fair To Do's
We love this To Do List on Etsy by BoyGirlParty! 

We love this To Do List on Etsy by BoyGirlParty

Make sure you know your booth number and pertinent load-in instructions.  Arriving on-site with an idea of where and when you need to be somewhere will help your stress levels during the event.

Make sure you're all set to sell with the city and state you're selling in.  

We think Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids said it best, "Get your S*** together Carol!" Although your name may not be Carol, we feel this still applies. You want to make sure you have enough inventory ready (more the merrier), signage and business cards, and a sound display (tables, table cloths etc). Your display is your first impression so you want to make it solid.  You can read more tips and ideas on our Looking vs. Buying Blog

Promote Promote Promote: 
Just think about it, having 200 people talk about an event is more powerful than just a handful. Follow Jackalope Arts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest that way you can remain in the loop and share any exciting news!

if you have a website where you post upcoming events, make sure to include your next event so your followers can know where to find you.  You can even launch a new product at the fair or offer an exclusive discount to help drum up support!

Payment Methods:
Make sure you get change if you are accepting cash and store it someplace safe. Also look into setting up a credit payment system, Paypal or Square card readers are great. 

Fair Time:
Load up the night before and do a mock set up, that way you can pack smart and get straight to business upon arrival. We will include load in/out information as we get closer, but think about including a rolling cart or dolly to help. Also include scissors, string, pens, tape, anything "random" that may come in handy for display. Its important to remain hydrated so make sure to bring water, and don't skip lunch! You want to remain friendly and approachable so don't let a hungry stomach hold you down.

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Meet the Pasadena Jurors: Christine Haynes

Christine Haynes: sewing author, teacher, and pattern designer and Owner, Christine Haynes Patterns 

Q. Tell us a little about yourself & your background in the arts & crafts world:
A. I started making art really young, as I grew up in a small arts community filled with galleries and artists.  It was perfectly normal to pursue the arts as a way of like.  I learned to sew when I was 10 and did loads of other arts activities, like ballet, oil painting, and ceramics as I grew up.  I received a BFA in studio art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a focus in Film, Video, and New Media.  I made art, sewed my own wardrobe, and worked in arts administration until one day when I participated in the second Renegade Craft Fair.  I sold clothing I made and it was a hit.  From there it all just snowballed- I started writing for magazines, wrote my first book for Random House, started teaching sewing, and then launched my line of sewing patterns.  I'm still writing, teaching, and designing today!

Q. What/who is your biggest inspiration?
A. My patterns are inspired by a host of things, but mostly from observing people, films, and vintage materials like yearbooks and sewing patterns.  I want the women who sew my patterns to feel beautiful and unfussy. I prefer a quiet life and never want the need to be clothed to be a burden; rather it should be a joy. 

Q. How did you get into your position in the arts & crafts world?
A. I got here after years and years of stubborn hard work!  There is no way to work for yourself with our working really hard at it.

Q. Tell us about a few favorites of your: Weekend activity? Food? Color? Animal?
A. Since I almost always teach on Saturdays, my weekends are usually Sunday and Monday.  A favorite Sunday activity is the simple pleasure of having a long leisurely breakfast and reading the Sunday papers with my boyfriend.  A favorite food is hummus!  It's a weakness for sure.  My favorite "colors" are green and blue, but my real favorite is gray, if that can be considered a color.  And my favorite animals are my kitties, Sally and Pinta.

Q. What do you love most about the handmade movement?
A. I love it when my students come into class- innocently learning to sew so they can make clothes for their kids or something for their home- then slowly become aware of what a revolutionary act this truly is.  They don't come to class with the intention of rethinking how things are made and how they consume mass-produced products, but most eventually start to think about the cost of materials and labor really quickly into learning things for themselves.  It's empowering in a way that they didn't expect, and to witness that transformation is incredible.

Q. What is the most important feature in an artist's application for you?
A. Honesty.  The work must read true and like it's coming from their own voice. 

Q. What are you most looking forward to in being a part of the Jackalope Arts jury?
A. I'm excited to seeing all the work come in and then to see the finished show!

Q. Where can we find our more about you?
A. My website is simply my name,, and you can find me on all those social media outlets that you know and love:

Instagram - @christinehaynes
Twitter - @christinehaynes
Facebook - 
Blog -
Pinterest -
Flickr -

Learn about all of the Pasadena, Jackalope jurors here!

Meet the Pasadena Jurors: Brent Turner!

Brent Turner: The Campbells PR / Beer and Tall Buildings


Q: Tell us a little about yourself & your background in the arts & crafts world: 
A: I remember the moment distinctly: I had just returned home from a month-long tour with my band. I quit my day job at a PR agency to head out on the road and now here I was, back home, scared shitless about bills, staring blankly at my computer. PR was the only profession I really new. So I decided to open my own consultancy and promised myself I'd only work on things I loved. These things were (and still are) art, design and architecture.

Q: Tell us about a few favorites of yours: 
A: That's easy. Wilderness, dense cities and beer. British ESBs (and their California pale ale analogues) to be exact.

Q: What do you love most about the handmade movement?
A: I love the intentionality of the handmade movement. Time in quiet contemplation almost always leads to brilliant ideas. And I think the protracted handmade process facilitates that type of introspection. 

Q: What is the most important feature in an artist's application for you? 
A: I look for 3 things in any creative work: concept, craft and heart. First, is there an original idea or an original progression of an existing idea? Second, has the artist developed his or her craft to the point that it induces a sense of wonder or respect for the work in front of you? Third, does the work speak to some level of universal truth? This is the heart of a work. It should be self-aware but not self-conscious. It will certainly be flawed too, but somehow perfect in that state of imperfection. Everyone has heart. But putting our hearts into our work is the hardest thing to do.

Q: What are you most looking forward to in being a part of the Jackalope Arts jury?  
A: I'm looking forward to that rush of seeing new work. I liken it to watching the Lakers (well, the Lakers of old) in the playoffs. With every shot, there's a rush of the unexpected. Not every shot goes in the basket, but you're always hoping. I feel that way about art and artists too. Not every work is a slam dunk…yet. But you always see the seedling of something greater to come. That's really exciting to me.

Q: Where can we find out more about you? 
A: My career has shifted into copywriting now, which means my craft is writing propaganda for organizations and individuals. And I'm resuscitating a podcast I started years ago with Coagula Art Journal called Beer & Tall Buildings. It's loosely described as "drinks and conversation with thinkers and creators." Now that I've admitted I'm bringing it back publicly, I can't back out now. So check it out (and links to recent copywriting work) at

Overhead image of the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair

Overhead image of the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair

Meet the Pasadena Jurors: MaryAnne LoVerme

MaryAnne LoVerme : Owner, Los Angeles County Store

Q: Tell us a little about yourself & your background in the arts & crafts world:
A. I moved to LA from Brooklyn in 2013 to open Los Angeles County Store. I was inspired by the makers I met in NYC while hawking my baubles under the Wabisabi Brooklyn brand. 

Q: What/who is your biggest inspiration?
A. I continue to be inspired by the creativity, hard work, and determination of the local artists and artisans whose work I represent in the shop.

Q: How did you get into your position in the arts & crafts world?
A. I performed a magic trick: I turned my Brooklyn house into a Los Angeles Shop. Also, equal parts hustle, chutzpah, and the encouragement and support of others.

Q: Tell us about a few favorites of yours: 
Weekend activity:  Napping. Food:  Bread. Color:  Periwinkle. Animal:  French Bulldog puppies make any day better. But any dog or kitty pretty much. 

Q: What do you love most about the handmade movement?
A. It restores my faith in humanity and connects me to some of the best people I’ve ever met.

Q: What is most important feature in an artist’s application for you?A. Nothing matters more than the work itself. Is it original? Is it well-made? Do I want it or know someone who wants it?

Q: What are you most looking forward to in being a part of the Jackalope Arts jury?
A. Seeing all the amazing stuff people make! 

Q: Where can we find out more about you? 
L.A. County Store on Instagram!

Check out all of our Pasadena jurors here!

What it Means to be a Juried Art & Craft Fair

It is becoming increasingly frequent for art fairs to be juried. Especially with the handmade community on an uprise and more and more artisans and DIY enthusiasts entering into the fair realm. With Jackalope, we believe in our Jury to help guarantee a high quality shopping experience. 

What does it mean to be Juried?

Jackalope has a selection committee review each and every application. The appointed Jury will be seeking artisans who display a high skill set in their respective fields to help keep the content of the fair vibrant and interesting for attendees. Our Jackalope Jury is comprised of local community leaders and not just the fair organizers.  This makes it important to thoroughly fill out your application and include the best possible product and display photos.  Your application is your first and only impression on the Jury, unless they have seen your work in person. 

What exactly does the Jackalope Jury look for in applicants?

The Jury will be using three key factors in reviewing each application.

1. Quality and Aesthetic:
Jurors look at the quality and appearance of the work presented. This is where having good product photography comes into play.  Did you select your BEST work to include with your application? Did you show enough variety?

2. Uniqueness and Originality:
Is the work presented innovative and original? What sets you apart from the rest? Your artist statement can also help relay why you do what you do. Do not be afraid to really sell yourself!

Make sure to detail your handmade process.  Giving our jurors a view into your process can make the difference between them selecting you or a similar artisan in your place.

3. Branding and Sellability:
How well is the work represented? Do you have a logo or innovative packaging?

If you have done a fair before, make sure to include booth images or possibly do a mock setup.

Make sure your website and social media are up to date, as that is also a good example of how you represent your work.  

It is always important to put your best foot forward and we hope this inside scoop helps shed some light on the Jury process!

Submit your best application!
For additional tips on submitting the best application to Jackalope, see our APPLICATIONS blog!

Meet our Jurors:

Pasadena Jurors

Denver Jurors


Location Location Location!

During our first few months of planning, we checked out many parks and facilities around the Los Angeles area.  Some awesome gems in the mix, others… not so much.  So many parks are residential --- or in downtown areas where they are characterized with the smell of pee.  With that being said, it took a lot of research to finally find the perfect fit. 

We landed at Central Park in Old Town Pasadena and knew right away that this was the place for us.  


After hitting so many fairs and markets around town with booths set up on hot hot pavement, we welcomed the grass and tree-lined environment providing shade and a sense of cool.

Going back to our mission of integrating the local community into our events, we especially love how centrally located in the heart of Old Town this park is. There is definitely a community vibe!  


After eating at the Luggage Room, with a view of the park right from their patio - we're pretty happy to be a neighbor of theirs.  That avocado, sun-dried tomato, lemon zest pizza was pretty unbeatable! 

The other thing that makes this location awesome?  Parking.  There are TONS of nearby lots for shoppers.  Even free 90 minute structures.  Check out this cool compilation of parking choices we found in google maps.  And for non-drivers: it's right across the street from the Del Mar stop on the gold line.  

We're super excited to make Central Park in Pasadena our home and can't wait to share all of the festivities with you this coming April!  

How to Become a Jackalope

As we gain momentum I am sure the question has come up of what exactly is Jackalope Arts?  The Jackalope is a mysterious and mythical creature, but lets take a second and shed some light on our Jackalope.

Let us be the first to tell you that the mission of Jackalope Arts is to create a 2 day shopping destination bringing the community together and featuring 200+ local artisans, crafters, and DIY enthusiasts, with an emphasis on quality artistry.  

Our tagline? A Community meets Artisan Event

The Jackalope Arts Experience: We want you to meet the maker behind the one of a kind indie goods that you will find at the Jackalope Art & Craft Fair. Our first round of Jackalopes will feature at our inaugural event on April 25th and 26th at Central Park within Old Town Pasadena

Who are the Jackalope Artists? They are the artisans and crafters who think out of the box and provide trendsetting handmade quality goods that you can’t find anywhere else. Things you will find at the Jackalope Art & Craft Fair may include:

  • Clothing- for adults, kids and maybe even your dog!

  • Accessories-Jewelry, handbags and backpacks, leather goods, wallets, shoes, aprons, hair accessories, eyewear, scarf’s and other cozy accents, neckties, cuff links and more

  • Art-Ceramics and Pottery, Woodworking, Illustration, Mixed Media, Photography, Fiber Art, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and other Paper Goods including bookmarks, calendars, cards, gift wrap, journals, stationary and beyond

  • Home Goods- Home décor and house wares such as unique furniture, lighting, terrariums, candles, blankets, vases, clocks, coasters, frames, & rugs

  • Bath and Beauty-Bath and Shower products, Lip Balm, Lotion, Skin Care etc.

Please bear in mind that this is not a comprehensive list and we are open to other handmade creations!

Does this intrigue you? There are several different options for booth rentals at our fairs, please visit the Vendor Info Page for details. We encourage everyone to submit and we look forward to hearing from you!

XOXO The Jackalope Team :)

The Story Behind Jackalope

The Jackalope is and always has been a mysterious creature.  One many have heard of, but few have ever seen alive. So why did we pick it as our fair mascot? That is one of the most popular questions we get asked!

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A Jackalope is a North American mythical animal that is a a Jackrabbit with Antelope horns. As much as we want to take credit for the invention (many think we did!) it was by Douglas Herrick in the 1930s.

Some of our favorite myths about this mysterious animal include:

1. Jackalopes only mate when lightning flashes - hence their scarcity

2. The best way to catch a Jackalope is to lure it with whiskey 

3. Colorado is one of the most common Jackalope sighting states (fitting since we also do a fair there!).

4. A Jackalope hunting license can be obtained from the Douglas, Wyoming Chamber of Commerce and is declared as the Jackalope Capital of America

5. The German cousin to the Jackalope is known as a Wolperdinger

And what we love most is that the Jackalope is referred to as the “warrior-rabbit”

When searching for a name and really what we wanted our brand to reflect, we wanted something that wasn’t too long, had an edgy and unique feel to it, and was easy to remember.

The Jackalope is both fast as the wind and ready for anything that may come his way while his antlers remain tall.  He is unique in the fact that he is open to interpretation which can be the same for a lot of art. So what could be a better mascot for a newly formed indie artisan fair than a Jackalope? Thus, came the name, Jackalope Arts.      

Something that started happening right from the beginning was having artisans wanting to create something using their own interpretation of the Jackalope that we would then feature at our Jackalope Boutique at the fair itself! We have had seen some pretty cool things over the years. We truly LOVE that our audience has both bonded and helped to reflect the Jackalope and our fair spirit.

So like we say, always be yourself…unless you can be a Jackalope, then always be a Jackalope!