Meet the Pasadena Jurors: MaryAnne LoVerme

MaryAnne LoVerme : Owner, Los Angeles County Store

Q: Tell us a little about yourself & your background in the arts & crafts world:
A. I moved to LA from Brooklyn in 2013 to open Los Angeles County Store. I was inspired by the makers I met in NYC while hawking my baubles under the Wabisabi Brooklyn brand. 

Q: What/who is your biggest inspiration?
A. I continue to be inspired by the creativity, hard work, and determination of the local artists and artisans whose work I represent in the shop.

Q: How did you get into your position in the arts & crafts world?
A. I performed a magic trick: I turned my Brooklyn house into a Los Angeles Shop. Also, equal parts hustle, chutzpah, and the encouragement and support of others.

Q: Tell us about a few favorites of yours: 
Weekend activity:  Napping. Food:  Bread. Color:  Periwinkle. Animal:  French Bulldog puppies make any day better. But any dog or kitty pretty much. 

Q: What do you love most about the handmade movement?
A. It restores my faith in humanity and connects me to some of the best people I’ve ever met.

Q: What is most important feature in an artist’s application for you?A. Nothing matters more than the work itself. Is it original? Is it well-made? Do I want it or know someone who wants it?

Q: What are you most looking forward to in being a part of the Jackalope Arts jury?
A. Seeing all the amazing stuff people make! 

Q: Where can we find out more about you? 
L.A. County Store on Instagram!

Check out all of our Pasadena jurors here!