Posts tagged denver jury
Meet Denver Juror: Lauren and Tymla with Lowbrow Gallery

1. How did you get your start in the handmade community?

We got our start in the handmade community as members of Ladies Fancywork
Society, which began with us putting up yarnbombs around town ten years
ago, and has evolved into creating large scale crochet art installations!
Five years ago, two of us started Lowbrow as a way to approach art from
another avenues as well.

2. What/Who is your biggest inspiration?

Lisa Frank, weed, and glitter.

3. Tell us a few favorites of yours (animal, tv show, weekend
activity,food etc)?

We're big fans of Supernatural, ponies, tacos, and rooftop patios!

4. What do you love most about the handmade movement?

It's so amazing to see the variety out there, and how differently people
approach the creative process to make something unique, whether that's
through their methods or materials.

5. What is the important feature in an artists application for you?

Originality, branding, creativity, and definitely good photos!

6. What are you looking forward to the most in joining the jury panel with

We're excited about getting to see some artists and creators that we may
not have had the opportunity to see before!

Meet Denver Juror: Heather Okimoto

Editor in Chief & Co-founder of Denver Style Magazine

1. How did you get your start in the Denver fashion community?

By attending local fashion events and getting involved. I met local fashion icons that have created a foundation for a thriving community, helped with fashion shows, markets, and boutique openings, and started shopping local. When you surround yourself with people that are creating, you begin to create your own work. Community is the circle of creative life.

2. How is Denver’s fashion scene evolving?

Every apartment building filled with new residents, office tower filled with new commuters, and community workspace that invites creativity comes the experiences, travels, and style of new inhabitants. The inspiration of style between residents new and old changes the demand of products offered and creates opportunity for new trends.

3. What/Who is your biggest inspiration?

Denver. I am in constant awe of the support of the people in this city. Whether you’re starting a business, adventure, or new life path, you’ll be supported. The spirit of community and involvement is alive and well and I love seeing people believing in people.

4. Tell us a few favorites of yours (animal, tv show, weekend activity, food etc)?

School supplies. Side dishes. Dateline. Sundresses and wedges. Dinner dates with myself and a stack of new magazines. News anchors. Appropriate pockets. La Croix. Cooking more than I can eat. Documentaries. Puns.

5. What do you love most about the handmade movement?

It’s actually made. Most of us have grand ideas of projects we’re going to do and things we’re going to make with no follow up. These artists go beyond just the idea and make it happen. They take the time to create a product, build a brand, but most importantly put themselves out there.

6. What is the most important feature in an artist's application for you?

Passion for product. I love to be sold through a story. I enjoy knowing that an artist is creating a product that they believe in and want to share with others.

7. What are you looking forward to the most in joining the jury panel with Jackalope?

Shopping. I’ve attended quite a few Jackalope experiences and always walk away with finds from new vendors. Jackalope is full of treasures for friends and family, but it’s also the best place to find that ‘I’ve been meaning to...’ item. You know, the new candle for the bathroom or guest bedroom, Colorado tee you’ve been meaning to replace because the wine stain is just too obvious, or tote bag to carry all your goods. Find me shopping with my ‘I’ve been meaning to’ list.

Learn more about Denver Style Magazine at:

Meet Denver Juror: Marlene with Caboodle Gifts

1. How did you get your start in the handmade community?

Even though my mom doesn't think of herself as artistic or crafty she is.  When I was young my mom often made gifts for friends and even sold a few things.  My favorite was candles.  My mom made molded candles and the room she made them in always smelled so good.  Back in the 60's there was a lot of macrame going on and my mother did that also.  Hanging planters, wall art and gods eyes were done a lot.  In the summer we took art and craft classes at the school.  When I started teaching preschool and kindergarten I came to love crafting with things people would typically throw out: kleenex boxes, toilet paper tubes, boxes, etc.  When I started my store I really wanted to focus on handmade and local.  There are so many "closet crafters" out there who didn't have an outlet for their crafts other than doing fairs.

2. What/Who is your biggest inspiration?

I can't really say there is one person or thing.  I feel like I get different kinds of inspiration from different people and places.  Inspiration comes from connection.  When you connect on a real level with something or someone you become inspired!  Love, beauty, heartbreak, adventure, challenge.  If the world touches you, you will find a way to express it in some way whether it is a poem, song, story, painting, jewelry etc., etc., etc.

3. Tell us a few favorites of yours?

My favorite color right now is probably a teal shade.  

My favorite people are probably my kids.  They range in age from 18 to 23 and I am just loving watching them turn into adults and finding their passions and working to that end.  

My favorite dream is winning the lottery.  I love to think of all the ways I would use the money to relax and do good!

My favorite drink is a chai latte.

My favorite thing to do in any gathering is play games (of all kinds).

4. What do you love most about the handmade movement?

I think the thing I love most about the resurgence of handmade crafts is the peace and community it offers people.  Almost everyone I talk to who crafts does it because they love it, it is their stress relief.  It also brings people together.  Someone will always want to learn how you do something.  So you teach them, or you tell them.  You have shared your passion and excitement for life and that spark will spread like wildfire!

5. What is the most important feature in an artists application for you? 

In the application itself it will probably be the picture and description of what the artist does.  Do they take pride in their work and take care to craft an item of good quality not something that is slapped together and likely to fall apart?  The application needs to be thorough and provide all the information that is asked for.

6. What are you looking forward to the most in joining the jury panel with Jackalope?

I look forward to being a part of the reason someone comes to a craft fair and falls in love with crafting or handmade items.  I have always loved event planning (worked to put on conferences, weddings, bat mitzfahs and fundraisers a lot!) and I love it when a patron comes away saying they loved it.