Posts tagged mountain vs plains
Vendor Spotlight: Mountain vs Plains

How would you describe your style?  

My stuff appeal to turtles, mostly. Humans like the stuff sometimes too, but most of the time it's just because they want to show their turtle the work because they know the their turtle will enjoy it. 

What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own? 
I think maybe the fact that it appeals so much to turtles is pretty unique. 

What sort of things inspire you?  Where do you look for inspiration?
I am inspired by the realization that if all of this doesn't work out I will be completely screwed, as I don't have any real skills in the workplace. That inspires me to keep doing this well.

When do you feel the most creative?
Probably in the morning and late at night. It really depends on the day. The creative ebb/flow is really inconsistent. I really just try and capture the artistic flow whenever it hits.

What is your creative process like?
It really depends on the project. But I would say coffee and exercise play a big role in stimulating my creativity and keeping me engaged and productive.

What's the coolest artistic tip you've ever received?
Probably to just keep making stuff and turn off the fear and insecurity. It will never be as good as you want/envision, so the pressure is off, in a way. I enjoy just creating and having fun with it all.

Where can we learn more about you?  
My website,, would give you some more insight perhaps. 


Shop Mountain vs Plains at Jackalope Art & Craft Fair on July 25th & 26th at EXDO Event Center.