Posts tagged jerky
Vendo Spotlight: People's Choice Beef Jerky

What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own? 

We craft an old-fashioned style jerky in a range of flavor profiles updated to the contemporary palette. The authentic style comes from our simple process which highlights traditional cooking methods and the handmade touch in every step. The handmade component of our process allows us to focus on quality, consistency, and character. We constantly explore new spices and marinades from around the world and love to test new flavor profiles.


What sort of things inspire you?  Where do you look for inspiration?

I think a lot about tradition, history, and heritage. They are the cornerstones of our business, but they also hold personal significance for me as I continue the legacy of our family business as the fourth generation. To find inspiration, I often look to what those have done before me. Wether it’s the boldness of my great grandfather, work ethic of my grandfather, or foresight and vision of my dad, I can usually find inspiration for the future by looking to the past. 

What is your creative process like?

We take great pride in our process. It is testament to our tradition. We have purposely retained the handmade element in each step of our process. It is our way of preserving tradition, remembering our history, and ensuring the highest quality product. Simply put, things are done better by hand. 

What's the coolest artistic tip you've ever received?

One of my dad’s favorite sayings is that you can’t be all things to all people and I think he’s exactly right. We create a product that we like to eat and that we believe in. If people share that vision and taste, then great, if not, no worries. But we can’t compromise what we do to follow trends and fads. At the end of the day we answer to nobody but ourselves. 

Where can we learn more about you?  

Visit our website at to learn more about our story and see all our meaty products.