Now that a new year has officially begun that means so has another show season! Here at Jackalope we have both our Spring Fairs right around the corner. Fairs are a great way to expose your work to a wider demographic and increase shop traffic, but how do you better guarantee someone buying your product vs. just looking?
First things first, they need to know about you. In large part it is the responsibility of the fair organizer to advertise and ensure people come out to shop. However do not solely rely on the fair. It is also your responsibility to share your upcoming events with your current fan base. Not only will that help retain your current shoppers, but having 100+ people promote an event is better then a handful.
Now that you got them through the door (or tent!) the trick is to intrigue the customer. Making sure you put your best foot forward in terms of booth display is important to first bring the shoppers in, especially when placed in a sea of booths. You can read more about our booth display tips and tricks on our blog post The Perfect Booth Display.
Silver Spoon at Jackalope Pasadena, great use of space in creating her own brick & mortar store.
So how do you intrigue the customer? People are more willing to branch out if they can try your product first. There are several ways to go about this.
The first is by providing samples or allowing the customer to try on your product. Let them test your lotion, taste your chocolate, smell your candle etc. Having testers and products that are already open and accessible is helpful. If you are a clothing designer, fitting rooms are a great option, even makeshift ones. For accessories include a mirror so the shopper can see themselves wearing your product!
The next is by creating a price point that is comfortable with your newfound followers. That doesn’t mean lowering all of your inventory prices, but perhaps creating a product that will fall in a less risky price range. This could be a travel size lotion, a snack pack etc. Chances are they will run out and crave more! Varying price points will attract a magnitude of shoppers.
If you can’t create a smaller sampler, maybe offer a new customer discount or a special rate for Jackalope shoppers? Make sure to advertise this as well because your current followers may be more enticed to come and stock up. As a thank you, you could include a code or coupon for returning customers. It doesn’t have to be huge, but make them feel special and want to hear more.
Now that you have them hooked, make sure you stay in touch and keep them well informed of your whereabouts! Keeping a newsletter is a great way to remain active with your followers. To help obtain newsletter signups, we love an incentive! Get a piece of candy for signing up, be entered to win a free piece, this is a great way to introduce them to you.
And most importantly, make sure to have a continuous smile on your face. You want to be approachable and available to help with each person that may come into your booth. Be attentive but not obsessive and anticipate questions. If you are having a bad day, it will show (even if you think you are hiding it) and the customer will feel that energy. At the end of the day we can get people to come out, but it is up to you to sell your product, no one knows you better then you!