Meet the Denver Jurors: Megan Timlin
We are sad to hear that Whorl will be closing its doors in Denver, but what is next on the horizon for you?
I'm so excited about what's on the horizon. I'm dabbling in a few different things, but still keeping the essence of Whorl and the mark I leave. I will be assisting with nonprofit events, assisting local designers with business management, branding, and sales, as well as working on my own brand consulting.
Imprints by Whorl
How do you see the handmade community evolving in Denver?
I see the handmade community evolving both creatively and functionally. Every year I find myself impressed with the talent and items that are being made for a variety of markets with both fashionable and functional components.
Are there any artists / designers that you particularly look up to?
Honestly, I look up to all the artists and designers who put their work out there not knowing what the outcome is going to be. It is a huge risk creating something not knowing how people will react, but it's even more amazing to just do it.
What are you looking forward to the most in being apart of our Jackalope jury panel for the second time?
I am looking forward to seeing what amazing handmade products come through this year. Helping to curate last time around was an honor and seeing the talent there is locally and nationally was really cool. I also hope that everyone takes that risk to apply because when they do I see it pay off in the applications.