Alyssa Webb
Who / what are your biggest artistic influences?
I have many influences in the world of candle makers, but as far as main influence, I enjoy the candle makers that follow sustainable practices using high-quality ingredients and are transparent with their customers on best candle burning practices.
How do you define success as an artist?
Being able to adapt to change quickly. What might be popular in scent right now might not be popular next season. I am always reading about trending accords in the fragrance world and trying to incorporate them into my custom blends in one way or another for seasonal changes.
Does your art help you in other areas of your life?
Being a candle maker is therapeutic for me. Luxe Intuition was born during the pandemic, and candle making was a way for me to disconnect from all the turmoil and uncertainty. Three years later, it is still a way for me to disconnect from this crazy world we live in. Creating candles for people knowing they typically light them for relaxation or some form of enjoyment, brings me joy in knowing I can spread light to them in their time of disconnecting from the world.
How have you developed your skill at your craft?
Through education and trial and error. With candle making, there is an exorbitant amount of testing and retesting needed before you can sell a successfully made candle. A candle that burns evenly down and burns clean without sooting has gone through extensive research to perfect that blend. Luxe Intuitions custom blended scents undergo about 4-6 months of full testing to ensure our customers' best possible high-quality candles.
We only use high-grade vegan-friendly oils that blend well into our sustainable coconut-apricot wax blend. Our coconut wax will burn cleaner and longer than traditional soy wax, and our coconut wax blend will give an amazing hot throw from start to finish giving you an enjoyable aroma versus an over the top hit you in the face scent. We are not about having the strongest candle in the room, as most of those are extremely toxic and have exceeded the limit of how much oil they should be using in the candle. Luxe Intuition Candles create an ambiance like no other and last a very long time, up to 80 hours for our 12 oz candles, and we are proud to say our customers enjoy this the most about our line.
Very cool! What’s the hardest part of your creation process?
Creating the perfect scent. Scent if so subjective, and only some people enjoy the same aromas. So to ease this never ending battle we try to have something for everyone throughout our collections that are still unique and intriguing to our customers. We pride ourselves in creating custom scent blends you won't find anywhere else.
What’s the best thing about being an artist?
The best thing about candle making is when I am at an event and a customer comes up to me and says “Your candles last forever and I don't get headaches from them!” You will not believe how many people I get that tell me they can't burn candles because they get nauseous or extreme migraines, and then once they have had ours burning and it doesn't happen to them, it is such a relief and breath of fresh air. This is actually how Luxe Intuition came to fruition. I am extremely sensitive to scent. I developed the line around my sensitivities and created candles that were enjoyable and safe to burn. I have attracted this type of customer and now I have a growing community of customers that can now enjoy candles safely without having headaches or nausea.
What is your favorite item you’ve created and why?
I have a love for nature and being outdoors. One of my favorite places to go, and is also very close in distance to where I live, is Waterton Canyon. When I developed my Colorado candle collection, I knew I had to incorporate notes that made me feel like I was there even if I wasn't. And wouldn't you know, this custom blended scent creation happens to be our top seller for 2023. We also ended up calling it Waterton Canyon, and this candle is gifted time and time again with return purchases, and we hope to keep this scent around for a long time as long as our customers keep enjoying it.
And finally, what do you love most about Colorado?
The ever-evolving landscape of makers. I have met many talented artists over the last few years of attending events, and their talent always blows me away. We have a huge amount of artisans that continue to emerge, and I love the appreciation from customers that understand what it takes to make our products, and they value a quality over-quantity approach in consumed goods.
We will plant a tree with every purchase you make with Luxe Intuition through a global organization called One Tree Planted. They go into areas devastated by fires and destruction and create biodiversity through reforestation programs. Something else I would like to share is our wedding candle collection. This special collection is fully customizable and makes great gifts for out-of-town guests, bridal parties, bridal showers; and we even have a special candle engraved with the words I Do for the couple to light on their special day to calm the wedding day jitters and to relight at anniversaries. We also recently launched room & linen sprays. These are also made with vegan-friendly oils and complement the candles in our collections.
Catch Luxe Intuition at Jackalope Arvada on October 14th, & 15th
Instagram: @luxeintuition