Sandra & Edoardo
Do you have a story behind your business name?
Our company name is our family name.
How did it all get started?
We are a family business. We are the 3rd generation.
That is incredible! What is your favorite part of the maker process?
Creating designs and paying attention to the little details.
Where do you draw inspiration to create?
Nature is our biggest inspiration.
What is your favorite product that you have created and why?
My favorite item is our alpaca socks. We are very proud of the feel and the fit of our socks.
What can we expect to see from you at Jackalope?
We will bring our alpaca socks, our hand embroidery accessories, and our WUAMAN Kids collection.
Anything special you’d like to share?
We are certified fair trade and sustainably grazed.
Find WUAMAN at Jackalope Arvada this October 5th & 6th, 2024