Meet Lauren Tuma

Can you tell us how you got your start?

Working my way up the corporate ladder, I started evaluating my life’s choices and where they were headed. I could work my way up and transfer to an art oriented full time safe and cozy job creating someone else’s ideology, logos, advertisement , or I could quit my job and focus on my own artistic abilities and pave my own way. Having both was out of the question, because when you want to follow your dreams you have to go all in. It was then, in 2020 I decided to pursue my career in the world of fine arts. My husband and I quit our jobs, sold our home in the East Valley of Arizona and moved back to our homeland here in Southern California with our little family to start our new adventure.

We love that! What inspires you to create?
The beauty of Mother Nature. The warm sun on my face, the soft grass beneath my feet, and her beautiful creatures that roam the earth and skies.

That is definitely something to draw inspiration from. Do you have a favorite part of the maker process?

My favorite part of my painting process would have to be choosing from a multitude of photographs taken earlier with friends and family dressed up and positioned in classical poses. Being able to choose from my own photographs of what to paint next is a very exhilarating experience!

Love that you use your family and friends in your process! What is a typical day like in the studio for you?

A typical day always starts with a cup of coffee, picking colors for my palette or refilling those that are needed, sometimes cleaning stray brushes, and making sure my easel is in a good position and near a good window. Most days I will listen to my favorite calming music or some soul filled classic rock. From there I just dive in, wether I am in the beginning of a project, in the middle or the end. If it is the beginning, I first sketch out what I am about to paint, either with charcoal, pencil or simply diluted paint. In the middle and end I am just filling in my sketches with colors and shading.

Do you have a favorite piece you have created?

My favorite so far that I have created is a painting of my daughter, Evelyn. I believe it is my best oil painting so far, capturing a great likeness to her, and because it has a part of her character in it through her bashful gaze and her bright future full of wonder and possibilities conveyed through her hand me down space exploration shirt.

So cute, and a memory to have forever. Do you have anything special that you will be bringing to Jackalope?

This Jackalope, in Pasadena, I will be bringing original pieces of fine artwork.  Each work is either painted with oil and acrylic or drawn with charcoal and chalk pastels.  Every piece took many hours of tedious time consuming craftsmanship and very well may be a little window into my soul.

Well we can’t wait to have you back in Pasadena. Is there something you love most about the city?

What I love most about Pasadena is the beauty of the classical architecture and victorian homes surrounded by a community with a great appreciation of the arts.

See you in person this April 23rd & 24th in Old Pasadena!

Where to see more of Lauren Tuma

Website |

Instagram | @can0tuma