Meet Erva Brew Co.
Do you have a story behind your company name?
Our name actually has a double meaning - not only is it half of the name "Minerva-" goddess of wisdom and trade, but also in Portugese, "Erva Mate" means "yerba mate," which is the herb we specialize in. As our menu draws inspiration from around the globe, so does our name.
Please tell us how you got started?
We started as a full-service farm-to-festival concessions business. When we saw how popular our "ginger mate limeade" was, we were really inspired to share the unique joy of yerba mate with as many people as possible. We flipped over our "Veggie Burgers" banner, painted "Ginger Mate Limeade" on the other side, and went to the farmers' market.
That is awesome! Do you have a favorite part of the maker process?
Our favorite part is witnessing the transformation of our yerba mate bases into the refreshing and delicious elixirs we're known for.
What inspires you to create?
The challenge of introducing people to a new flavor they may not have tried before is what gets our creative juices flowing.
Do you have a favorite flavor you have created?
The Tulsi-Passion is probably our favorite item because it has a great depth of flavor that is unparalleled.
Oh intriguing! What is a typical day like in the studio for you?
A typical day includes a lot of measuring, mixing, pouring, and taste testing.
Sounds fun and tasty! What do you love most about California?
We love California for its diverse topography: nowhere else can you find beaches, mountains, and deserts within driving distance. We especially love Pasadena for being so welcoming to our first brick-and-mortar storefront.
Located at 2377 E. Colorado Blvd Pasadena, CA 91107
Yes congratulations on that achievement! Do you have anything special that you will be bringing to Jackalope?
We will be bringing our classic menu, and maybe a fall-themed surprise seasonal flavor.
We can’t wait to see you in person this November 20th & 21st when Jackalope returns to Central Park, Pasadena.
Where to see more of Erva Brew Co
Website |
Instagram | @drinkerva